“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6 (NIV)

Initially, I could tell you the boring aspects of getting this blog started.

However, the main desire that I am focused on is one day PAYING IT FORWARD, this will be a mission of helping others that happened to find themselves in unfortunate situations. My vision of this blog and shop will soon help the community we live in with the main essentials they need. By supporting this Blog and the online Shop you are helping others in the community to feel less pressure from certain liabilities that have created hardships in their lives.

If you are reading this and you come back regularly to view my blog posts each week or shop my store, I want to THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Together a difference will be made!

We all have messes in our lives that we are not sure how to handle at times. We are always looking for that tad bit of advice or someone who has been through something similar we could relate to.

Maybe someone needs someone to come help with a project or needs additional resources such as food, clothing, or shelter in order to survive. I love helping and giving advice on the struggles that were pressing on my life and how God’s saving Grace pulled me through them one day at a time. This showed me that I was NEVER ALONE in the first place.

I enjoy working from home, which also allows me to spend time with my family, organize Chaos, and give advice when it permits itself.

I am a Care Coordinator and I get to work with beautiful people and families that may have a diagnosis in behavioral health, Intellectual or Developmental disabilities. God delegates my priorities by helping others and from that, I see his works.

My life can be extremely busy with attending Liberty University and working full-time, Church, Kids’ afterschool activities, and squeezing in time with family and friends. I love all of what God gave me and I do not take that lightly.

So, my question is …

Do you have certain messes that you do not want others to see?

I know I do!

Helping others when there is a need not only helps that person, but it draws you closer to Gracefully fixing other areas in your own home that need attention. My thoughts pressured the idea of how many people felt like I did. A mustard seed faith, we then, could move mountains, so let’s do it together!

My blog will help further my goal and show others how to do that as well. 

If you feel like you’re in the same shoes; I’m here to help. Here I’m going to share the tips and resources with you so you can build a future with faith and guidance so it can be manageable. There will be moments you may end up laughing, crying, or simply acknowledging where you are in your life so you can be better than you were yesterday. WE ARE NOT PERFECT, and so OUR MESSES will not be either. We will eloquently depend on God through all of what this world has to offer. 

Let Love be Genuine...

Let Love be Genuine...

I am a Christian, a wife to an amazing husband, and a mother to some precious kiddos. Can’t forget about my two fur babies either!

I tend to be goofy & hardheaded, but my heart is huge!

I am truly blessed by the ones who I call my family and friends. I love the ones that I can call up and give it to me straight. This allows me to stay on a straight narrow path.

Even though my journey was

rough & twisted.

God showed me Grace in this crazy life.

Growing in Wisdom

I will share many devotions, tips, and organization tricks, simple ways to live, including ways to save money throughout the week.

From God’s perspective, he wants us to thrive, but we must seek him first.

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