4 Essentials for Every Vehicle

I am sure you all have many items that fall rank on that list that needs to be in every Vehicle. I am just going to share the 4 that keep me sane.

I work from home, but when I am in the field, I am in my vehicle a good bit. I like certain things to be at my disposal. I need convenience, and my vehicle which acts like my office at various times needs to be functional.

Does anyone else feel the same as I do?

Ask yourself these 3 questions

Do you spend more than 30 minutes in your vehicle?

Do you eat in your vehicle when traveling?

Do you lose things in your vehicle?

Then, this means you need some organizing techniques to help you out.

Back in the day, you would find me using sorted Walmart bags to hold my trash, until one certain thing had leaked out and made this horrible smell.

Try driving around believing something literally died under your seat. I threw my hands up saying, “NO MORE”.

First is First, get yourself a trash can.

Trash Can- It is essential to all vehicles. Let me ask what do you do with your trash when you are done with that sticky paper? I love small plastic containers that have lids!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, lids especially for the trash. Go hit up your local Dollar Store and see what they have. My suggestion, make sure it is not narrow because it will fall over. Yuk!

I freaked out in my own vehicle when I realized my kids put my trash can in the back. I was driving and had a wrapper that was messy.

I was on the verge of losing my marbles, so I pulled over and got my trash can back to the front where it belongs.

Box or Small Tote-Place it in the very back for things that like to roll around. That annoys the mess out of me when I am driving. Something that is dinging back and forth will make me a bit unraveled.

You can put jackets or blankets in the box. When it gets too full, take it inside and put it away, and start over.

Lint Roller Brush- I keep that handing thing in my side door. It is always accessible to me stepping out and stumbling over the “Why didn’t I notice this dog hair before leaving the house?”

No possible explanation as to why I only notice it when stepping out. I cannot count the numerous times that lint roller saved me some embarrassing moments that I almost encountered.

Whew…. Thank you, Jesus!

Hand Sanitizer- I also keep this bad boy in my side door, my husband does the same thing. My family just knows that we carry hand sanitizer. Gas pumps, doorknobs, money, and unpleasant store bathrooms, come in handy.

So, I gave you 4 of my favorite essentials, and as I said, there is more on that list. One day I will do up a detailed list of what I keep in my vehicle.

In the meantime, go out and try adding a few essentials to tidy up your vehicle, you won’t be disappointed.


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