The Kind of Friend Everyone Needs

When someone calls you a friend, how does that make you feel? Probably, really good. You might even have thought; “I did not even think they saw me in that way”. Your spirit may even start to lift.

People come into our lives that stay for a season and then they move on. They are the rare ones.

I am sure we all could relate to how we might’ve forgotten to text our friend back.  Either because we were so busy, or life likes to consume all the extra time we have.

The world wants us to stay busy or we can be classified as lazy, or dispensable in a sense.

At moments in our life, we will even experience someone who believes they are a friend to us. When their actions prove otherwise.

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
— Proverbs 18:24 NIV

Those moments consist of them, never asking about your day, what has been going on in your life, or how is the family.

You never hear, thank you, or I am sorry. They are quick to vent about anything and everything about them but never consider your feelings.

Friendship works both ways if it doesn’t then that friendship is lopsided, and it will be a matter of time before the person falls to being a seasonal friend.   

When someone only calls you up for their benefit only, then friendships need to be reconstructed. This does not mean you need to toss them out.

Just understand that your feelings need to be placed in another trusted person.

Our Insecurities start to rise, and boy can they leap to the clouds. Once, we have been replaced as someone’s friend. You realize you never meant that much to them.

Learn to adapt and look for new friends because there is a reason, they are no longer your friend.

God tends to move people around and it is hard to see until you come across a friend God intended you to be friends with. While he is working on your previous friends.

Sometimes, those previous friends fall down a lot and look for support. God wants to be their first support.

Then when they want to be his friend, he then places the right people in their life. They might gravitate back around to you.

Like he has done for many of us.

God, uses people to help others, but he does not need you backsliding into gray areas, so he moves them out and moves others in.

Be sure to remember that, before, getting upset when people quit being your friend. God has plans for you!

I have two really close friends I talk to just about on a regular basis. They know who they are, and they are precious to me.

I could not imagine going through life without them.

We laugh, cry, and be darn right goofy. The thing about these friends of mine, they love God.

They are not only my go-to friend for crazy conversations. They also remind me of my blessings, and how God is my center.

We all have experienced a family member falling into that category too, sometimes they are our best friends. (Those greatly matter).

Having Christian friends is a must because we can all locate a stand-by friend, acquaintances, co-worker’s friends, or school friends.

It is when one of those turns into your soul friend.

Those will hurt your soul if they distance themselves. God needs to be a soul friend too. Those friendships have no chance without having a relationship with God.

The reason for this is when you have a friend that is a Christian, they look past something you might have said that hit them wrong.

They see the hurt behind the anger. They notice the strength behind the weakness.

All this is what God does and sees in us. God is a good friend and wants to be your best friend too.


God wants to be a part of all your conversations and how you incorporate his love, mercy, and Grace within our troubles, and blessings.

Seeing the greater good in people is what sets us apart from the world that likes to reflect on all the negativities.

Look upon Jesus, become a friend to him first and he will remove the people that do not add quality to your conversations.  

Every life is factored upon friendships. God expects us to have friends, but we might need to reconstruct that department.

We might need to work on ourselves by being better friends.



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