Do You Need Healing? 5 Step Process

Do you need healing? Do you want to know the process that others seem to know? Keep reading and you will soon understand.

Let’s talk about healing and how it is necessary to continue life as you did before.

Healing comes in many forms and from different avenues. Healing is therapeutic and helps us be healthy once again. Healing may need to take place in our bodies, minds, or even hearts.

I am sure most of us have heard of physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental healing at some point. Does it come easy? Which one do you struggle with more often times? Have you noticed the time it takes to heal from a form of trauma?

There are many factors and instances where we do not properly heal from things within our lives. We push on and shake it off and handle it later.

It is sad that we do this, but isn’t that the reality we face today? We aren’t able to heal properly; we are usually on someone else’s time frame.

Example: A loved one passing is extremely hard in the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental spectrum of healing. A piece of us dies with them, we might not say it but it does.

 Not sure how to function without them because everything as you knew it changed. Days make no sense, feelings are harbored and you distance yourself from anyone else.

It isn’t like you do not care about others or that they mean less than the person you are heartbroken about.

You just have not dealt with the loss properly. Healing takes time, patience, and strategy from others that love you.

Something to remember: They loved the same person as you do, so do not discredit their feelings and how they need to heal. Everyone heals differently.

If you have not healed properly from a certain trauma no matter what that may have been. I am going to share a few tips that will help start the process. I am not saying it will take it all away because I am sorry we cannot wipe memories away.

Memories can be a great asset but also an expense to our emotions. Memories make us smile but have a tendency to remind us where we messed up or took advantage of moments with someone.

There is a destination to where I am going with this. If you want to heal properly you must turn to the one who does all healing within the world.

The ones who have not healed truly, either drifted away from God or looked for other ways to fill the void. That is not healing at all.

The “IFs”

If you are drinking or smoking your sorrows away, then you’re going about it the wrong way. Are you still hurting?

If you travel or lock yourself up so you can distance yourself from anyone that might talk about that person or even look like them; have you healed yet?

If you started working more away from home so you do not have to associate yourself with the memories of where they should be, have you healed now?

I can just about say the odds are not in your favor. Those ways are only temporary by creating more issues and heartaches down the line.

Jesus is the only way, that is the secret to most people’s healing.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3, NIV)

For the one that has not healed properly, have you noticed how you become bitter towards those that seemed to have moved on in their life? You feel like they did not truly care enough for the person as you do.

That if they loved them as much as you did, shouldn’t they be sad every minute, every hour, every day, especially when you bump into them, right?

How dare they smile in pictures or laugh at a joke. Or enjoy family get-togethers.

Now, STOP!! Take a look at what you just projected to that person, or even how you judged the way they healed.

You want to heal too, right?

First, understand they still remember the “hurt”. However, they asked God to make it less noticeable, and so they can love again.

Love is always patient.

Be kind to ones that may still hurt and to those who have healed already.

Because they have other people in their life that they also love, and need their love at this time, at this moment. Time is precious and we do not need to regret the time missed because we are dwelling on past events that hurt us.

We have one life, and it is gone before we know it.

People that healed from trauma, did not rely on their own strength. It was never about them and how they can do it. They know they would fall apart and be desperately going through a world of chaos.

That person relies on God’s strength, he can endure it all and only asks us to talk to him throughout the day once we feel like we are trying to take all the burden back. He gives us time with others to lessen the heartache of that dreadful memory.

Now, someone that absolutely, loves Jesus, already knows that the person that left us has it better than we do. They are no longer hurting.

Here are a few steps that will get you stepping in the right direction of the healing process.

Small Steps are still Steps!

Any part of the progress is still in the right direction. Even if you fall and do some backstepping. Just get up and push forward. Healing cannot take place until you desire it.

1.       Ask for help- people want to help, we are designed that way. Once you realize you want to heal, ask family, and friends to help you with the process.

2.       Drop to your knees and talk to Jesus! -He is only a thought, a name, or a prayer away. Think like this, he died on the cross so you could have a one-on-one relationship, and discussion and one day be able to walk alongside him. The veil was brought down because he wanted all of you. IS THAT NOT AMAZING?!

3.       Cry, scream- it is okay to do that, and do not let others detour you from that. It is part of the process.

4.       Accept others- let people back into your life. You love them too, right? Do not steal that Joy from them or yourself. The Devil is a lie and he wants you to believe you are alone and you should not love others as much as you loved that person.

5.       Get into the word of God and the Church- Jesus heals, and his words are alive in the Bible. When was the last time you spent time with him and his word?

If you are looking for a home church to get established and be surrounded by a different environment, reach out to family and friends.

You can even contact me on my Contact page by emailing me, so I can help you locate one.

In Conclusion, God heals and will move that mountain that is too steep to climb alone. He is holding out his hand.

Just take it and rely on his strength. Allow each step to take you through the process, and watch your strength be renewed.

You got this; I believe in the healing powers of Jesus. Amen.

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