The 3 Guilt-Free Items to Purge

Throw this one item away and indulge in Monday Organizing!

I know when I take a look at my house there is always something I can throw away, toss in the Salvation Army bag or tote. I am always looking for ways to make my home more organized but most of all functional.

Heck, we have to live there and most of us may have kids that are coming in and out with all their mess, right?

I am going to share with you one item to toss out this lovely Monday! Do not try to make a purpose for that item and believe everything is valued because honey that is nonsense.

We all do it, don’t try to lie to yourself! We might need it sometime in the future or it may be used for a hack one day. Oops…Okay, guilty on that one!! Some may call that hoarding and friend we are not going down that road, are we?

I am going to take you down a path that will free up unnecessary items that will soon take up less and make you feel like “I CAN DO THIS PURGE THING”. Take that leap and do something out of the normal, have the mindset that you will not overthink about it, evaluate the process regarding the time, or expect more from this one item. I believe in you, friend!

Okay, now that I got you hyped up and ready to purge.

Follow the list and purge away!! Remember just do it! This one item will soon be forgotten.

table magazines

  • Magazines

The living room is where I kept them and so guess what? I threw mine out, NO ONE read them yall!! They collected dust on my coffee table. I had high expectations for them babies, and I had thought “hey people would like to read while sitting on the couch”. NOPE…just watch that Television and talk, talk, talk.



  •   Envelopes

I am talking about the ones that come in the mail where you are expected to place your check/money or debit information. Then, return it to the mail. I can’t tell you how many times I saved them because instead I just paid the invoice at the doctor’s office or called them by phone to settle a debt. So later I noticed that I still have this envelope for later use. Chunk it!


packaged condiments


Unless it is ranch from Popeye’s (only a handful I might add). Throw that mustard and ketchup packets, et cetera in the trash. It is nasty and most people either at home or at the workplace will have condiments established in the refrigerator/shelf already. So far, I have not seen an expiration date on those tiny little things, don’t trust them. Clean out and free up that space in the drawer!


  • Notebooks

Not new but used, and I mean you keeping that bad boy because there are still 4 sheets still in that notebook because your KID did not use it up. Yep, guilty again myself!! I realized I am not going to use that notebook. I am used to hanging onto things for the “not knowing” times, we do not know when the economy will hit us hard, and we may need it right? Toss it!!


Cleaning is essential to our mental, and emotional health. Having areas where we can relax and not see something that needs our attention is important.

That is why I am here to help organize a bit at a time. First, make sure it is not too overwhelming because some of us have emotional attachments to some of our belonging. I can admit I do, so I do understand the resentment someone can have towards someone when they start talking about throwing something out.

Just make small baby steps and I promise by the time you see that you had forgotten all about that item you will realize you should have done it a lot sooner.  


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