What are the 3 steps of prayer?

We will look at the steps of effective praying.

Do we often wonder if we happened to say the wrong thing in prayer does it get heard? Perhaps maybe how we start the prayer off in the wrong format. Did we place our hands together and either kneel down on our knees or just bowed our heads?

 There are so many questions on effective prayer mannerisms. Some might even ask how we start a prayer.

I want to stress how prayer is a personal relationship between you and God. Remember this statement as we continue through the steps, and work towards effective praying.

Prayer is a way to get answers to open-ended questions, help the sick, and spiritual gifts, blessing prayers over food, and protection. The list goes on and on when you incorporate Prayer into your life.

Prayer can be a simple outcry to God when you are alone in your home or can be this extravagant prayer standing before a crowd in a room. There are prayers pushes individuals to realize they are not alone. Oftentimes, we pray to ask God to take away our burdens in this world or at least make us strong enough to endure hardships.

Let’s start with how to get into the moment of prayer. It is going to be the most difficult part of prayer life.

First step: Here it is…You must limit your distracting environment.

How can you hear what God has to say if you are distracted by the television playing in the background, people talking and carrying on so loudly?

Standing in a room full of kids that are screaming at one another because of a toy.

I know you going to say nope that is impossible, have you seen my life? I do not have the time to walk away and get alone. I am not saying you need hours; I am saying 10 minutes alone with your father who holds all the answers to our World-View problems.

Put the kids in time out, take a shower, go “get” something out of the car, walk down to the mailbox, wake up earlier or stay up later than the rest of the household. There are moments we can find that we can separate ourselves. We just have to look for them and think outside the box.

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:7, NIV).

Let me explain, that when you separate yourself from the world’s chaos, you then will enter a room of peace so God can whisper his secrets to you. His whispers are important to your well-being. When you get so in tune with allowing his whispers to enter the quietness, soon you can hear them loud and clear.

 Mentally dislodge yourself from the chaos to enter that spiritual realm of peace with him and you alone. He has so much to say to his child. Soon he wants you to find time to come sit near him so he can tell you childhood stories that will have you mesmerized.

Life does not stop but it will stop our prayer life if we let it. Prayer life is crucial and oftentimes inconveniences us in the worst situations. Don’t think of it as an inconvenience, think of it this way, it is your answer to many life problems!

Second step: Since we talked about the environment, let’s talk about where we position our hands, head, and knees when we enter a prayer.

It is this simple, DO ANY OF IT or ALL OF IT!

As long as you feel comfortable in what you are doing, that is all God wants. He just wants you to come to him and him alone. He does not care if you are dressed appropriately, hands folded, knelt down, or standing with your hands up high. God just wants all of you in any form.

WOW, isn’t it amazing that he just wants you like you are? Quit overthinking and just come as you are. God does not look down on us and say, “child how dare you to come to me looking like a mess”. God simply says, “come my child you are mine”.

God listens to us all when we come to him with sincerity in our hearts and prayers. Those tears are loud and clear and not taken lightly by our Father.

Do you know when a child comes up to you 9 times out of 10 you already know what they are going to ask, right? That is how our father God is, the scripture already confirms that he does know “Our Father knows what you need before you even ask him” (Matthew 6:8, NIV). So just go ahead and talk to him.

How to start a prayer you might ask?

This one is a doozy!! I am just kidding friends! You can do this out loud or in your mind.

Third Step: Simply, start with-

o   Addressing our Heavenly Father such as; Dear (Lord, God, Father, Jesus), Oh God how great you are. There are other ways you can address him in a heavenly way but there are just a few I address him myself with.

o   Giving thanks for the blessings is a way we start Prayers-Gratitude of his giving. I have another post that discusses Gratitude that you can use as a resource.

o   Asking God for the essentials to begin a state of worship, and enter into a fellowship of praise. (Please help me Lord, I need you, I beg of you, I ask of thee)

o   Most importantly Close the prayer as you would do in an English paper with a Conclusion. (Amen, In Jesus’ name)

Not one person’s way is better than another. God hears them all in the truest form. Make it come from the heart and you are doing it right.


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