What are the 3 Organizing Styles? Can you Relate?

We all are organized in a type of style. We will discuss the 3 styles and quiz ourselves on the one we relate to.  Maybe you might want to be more like another style, and I promise we all have been at one point or another in all 3 styles. Some stay longer than others, but we have all been there.

Life gets to us, and we can get sloppy, and get in the mindset, we will get to it later. Our kids even contribute to our organizational styles.

We adapt to their needs and include others that live in the home. What about those visitors that decide to randomly stop by unannounced? Have you jumped up out of your seat, having been told on the phone they are swinging by for a few minutes, or by chance heard a car pull up?

The only thing going through your mind is “OH MY GOODNESS”, “this house is run by monsters under the bed”. You miraculously have this optimistic attitude that all of this can be fixed ASAP. Start pointing and yelling at everyone in the home to do their part in less than 1.5 minutes. You yourself started running as if your life depended on it, grabbing a basket and tossing things into it, that obviously is in the visitor’s path. Cutting corners in your slippery socks and tossing them off to gain traction. Don’t forget them, bad boys, grab the socks and toss them in the basket, am I wrong? I might be, but some can relate. I have been guilty of it myself, I can’t lie.

I want us to cut each other some Grace here and realize we are not perfect by no means. We each have flaws that we do not want others to notice. Because in our own perspective we believe they are on the outside looking in stating, “YEPPER, THAT BUNCH IS MESSY”. Now, we understand how life throws curve balls at us. Even some of the most organized individuals fail at keeping things tidy.

The goal is to try and be better than yesterday. Changing one habit at a time will soon be the moment you realize you had it all along. I believe in you and take every moment as if it is the last. Enjoy the mess, find a place for the mess, and secure that mess. These will be our goals because there is beauty in some of the mess. Don’t be weary!

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9, NIV).   

There are 4- A’s of the types of Organizing

1.       Assess-Look at the issue, the mess, the pile of clothes, or heck maybe just that junk drawer. What is the root of the problem, and what do you want to see come of it?

2.       Arrange-This can be associated with grouping items together and sorting in the correct areas. Start with one spot in the room at a time. If you focus on multiple areas, you will have the urge to QUIT.

3.       Assign- Put that baby in its home, make it work, and look around to see that it matches the area around it. If not, you are going back to “Arrange”. Once, you find that perfect spot, it is less likely you will move it and more prone to placing it in his stationed home each time.

4.       Appraise- This can be done by inspection. By reviewing your final touches, do you feel like it arrived in its designated spot? Does it feel right or make sense? Not only that but is it functional?


So, I will tell you what I like to do, maybe it will work for you. Get a basket or designate an area in each room. When something does not belong in that specific room take it to the room where the “basket or designated spot is on the floor. LET ME STRESS THIS… Don’t put anything on a chair, or close to the bed.

My point is, obviously there was an issue already or you did not need to organize, right? Make yourself uncomfortable so you will complete all 4 A’s of Organizing. You will think it is okay where it is. Put it in the middle of the floor where it bothers you and everyone else that has to step over it.  By this time, you are questioning, “ Why would I do that?” It is because it is not the “NORM” for you, so then you noticed you did a major organizing move by cleaning that pile-up. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Okay, here is what you have been waiting on what type of organizing style do you carry out?

This is going to be fun because you will have a cute little nickname to go along with it.

o   Perfectionist Style-Are you one to have a place for everything, and not dare move it from that spot or else? Do you still look for ways to line up all your cans in your pantry so all the labels face you? Girl, you have it all together, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you are happy, and organizing gives you this ultimate peace then you are where you need to be. Your Nickname is…. Miss Lady Mae, because a Lady knows exactly how things need to be conducted in her home far as organization.


o   Half-Way Style-You manage to make the living area manageable to sit down and walk through but don’t go to the bedrooms right? No dirty dishes in the sink, cleaned countertops, trash taken out. You managed to get that big mountain of dirty laundry done. Whew big task, now where did you put that mountain of clean clothes that took all Weekend? Are they in the drawers or closet? Uh oh. Is it on the couch/chair/table, or on the floor at the end of the bed? Your Nickname is Miss Goose, have you heard of the game Duck, Duck, Goose? You are going to choose what is the most important task. You are diligent to get the necessary items completed to make your home manageable for your next hectic day. Life gets us distracted and we oftentimes do what we need to at the end of the week to make it to the next week. We get to choose some organization, when we get that extra time, because of some type of cancellation moment in the hectic week. Proud of you Miss Goose, you still working hard, and finding ways to organize.


o   Nope Style-Trash is sprouting legs and fixing to take itself out. The floors were swept/vacuumed two weeks ago. You just remembered it’s been a month since you went through your old mail. Kids and husband have been fed, laundry been done, but go fend for yourself to find what is yours. Even though the dishes have been stacked for two days, they will soon get done. Your nickname is Miss Breezy because you know it will get done but the organization is at the bottom of that to-do list. Life bears down on us all and makes us want to give up and say Nope to everything around us that is messy or not that important. Miss. Breezy, you kept your house sustained and attempt at organizing when you get the urge, and that is okay too.  

I have been associated with all three of these styles, but I might ideally be between Miss Goose and Miss Lady Mae types of styles. Neither one suits me exactly, but very relatable on the two.

 If you want to get new techniques, and tricks in organizing, try checking out my other content. Full of ideas and new concepts to help make life seem a bit less stressful. Don’t let mess manage you, you follow the 4 A’s of organizing and you can keep it in check.


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