Do You Have a Song That Resonates Deeply with You?

I want to entice you with a scene and explain how a song can stay with you from a small age, can pierce your mind, and remove some incredible insecurities throughout transitioning periods of a person’s life.

I was a child sitting on the bed watching my mother sit in front of her mirror painting her face with remarkable colors. She had this unique technique by using Aqua Net Hold Hair Spray to master the 70s to 80s hairstyle look by feathering her bangs and sides.

Make it stand out

We all know that style and sorry but not sorry, I believe that is my favorite hairstyle. I loved how the sides were lifted up and she would smile in the mirror at me. She then would put her black eyeliner pencil on by using a lighter to create a gliding effect.

 I was entertained, to say the least. I wanted to look like her and all she ever did, I thought how lucky I am to have her as my mom. She was absolutely gorgeous and put together.

As I climbed down to go play, waiting until we had to leave to go to church. I heard the most beautiful sound come out of her bedroom.

As I listened to her voice it was mesmerizing, and I could no longer focus on my toys. I was hooked and I wanted to look at her once again, but to keep her going with her song I snuck around the corner to peep in on what and how she sang the song.

My mother would use many facial expressions when she sang, and I paid close attention to how the song made her feel. She would pause between moments as she was putting on her mascara so she could hit a certain note.

Oh, how I loved her voice, but something else changed in me. That song was new to me, and I had to understand why it was making me tear up. As a child, I named that song, “My Heart is Like a House” because I never knew it to be called anything else. The lyrics definitely made me feel some uncertainty.

 First, I wanted to know why anyone’s heart was like a house. I wanted to know how Jesus had keys to it.  My mother had no idea the battle it was causing in me because she did not see me spying on her.

I went to my bedroom to talk to Jesus and asked him questions. I did not get my answers at that time, but I did get some peace about it. As a child, I did bother him a lot with all my questions.

Growing up, my mother would continue to sing that specific song with many other related songs when she was getting ready. My sister and I also sang “My Heart is Like a House” in church or in our own homes with our families. We do not sound like our mother, because we each have unique voices, but each time we sing, memories flood back.

Hand him the Keys, he is a gentleman, and he respects you enough to knock.

Jesus knows what he is entering into, and he is not one to shy away. Free yourself from those burdens, those are not yours alone to bear. Let him in and watch what happens next!

I have come a long way to understanding that song. As an adult I realized, the true Song Title is, “The Secret Place”. To this day it still brings tears to my eyes. The song deeply resonates in my soul and helps me understand that God wants us, but we need to invite him in.

There is no secret that he does not know already, so why not let him in and take that shame by replacing it with Grace?

Here are the Lyrics to the Song and a link you can visit.

"The Secret Place"

by Michael Booth
Album: Michael Booth

My heart is like a house
One day I let the Savior in
There are many rooms
Where we would visit now and then

But then one day He saw that door
I knew the day had come too soon
I said, 'Jesus, I'm not ready
For us to visit in that room

'Cuz that's a place in my heart
Where even I don't go
I have some things hidden there
I don't want no one to know'

But He handed me the key
With tears of love on His face
He said, 'I want to make you clean
Let me go in your secret place.'

So I opened up the door
And as the two of us walked in
I was so ashamed
His light revealed my hidden sin

But when I think about that room now
I'm not afraid any more
'Cuz I know my hidden sin
No longer hides behind that door

That was a place in my heart
Where even I wouldn't go
I had some things hidden there
I didn't want no one to know

But He handed me the key
With tears of love on His face
And He made me clean
I let Him in my secret place

Is there a place in your heart
Where even you won't go


Thank you, Jesus, for the mothers, Memories, and Saving Grace.


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