What does it mean to have a Mustard Seed Faith?

What is a mustard seed you might ask?

So, I have done some digging. It is one of the smallest seeds, however, these seeds grow into trees that can get as tall as 20 feet wide and also 20 feet tall.

This tree can survive in some of the hottest, driest, wet, or even cool climates. Not to mention how it is planted whether that is clay or sand.

Jesus did not say it was the smallest seed but only reference that it was one of the smallest seeds. Now I can’t speak for anyone else but for me, when I think about the smallest seed, my mind goes straight to the mustard seed.

Every part of this tree has a multitude of benefits. These trees also produce edible salts for us to use. Now, Consider the leaves, they are made into MUSTARD. These leaves have healing properties that help with toothaches and decay.  

Just imagine that one of the smallest seeds can do all of that!

 Now that we know what that is, let us dive right on and see what Jesus says about it. Jesus was talking to his disciples when he made this reference to their faith and to a mustard seed.

“Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20, NIV).

God likes to use many parables and symbolic references in the bible to paint a picture in our minds to understand what Faith can do for us. So, this goes to show you that whether we are planted in sandy or muddy areas we can still grow.

We get in our feelings and wonder why we do not have enough faith. In the days of Jesus’ time on earth, his disciples struggled for many years to grasp the concept of belief and Faith. Take a moment and let that sink in just for a tad bit.

I am starting to realize I need to cut myself some slack after realizing the visual effect the Disciples had literally. We should not overestimate God’s plan for us. Go ahead and plant that small seed of faith in his ability and watch God move that mountain.

Understand your knowledge is not his knowledge, so if one of the smallest seeds can produce wonders as it does, then, please grasp Jesus’s perspective that he wants more for us than what that mustard seed had to offer.



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