Where is the Excitement at Christmas?

Disclaimer, this post is regarding gifts, traditions, and Christmas get-togethers.

I understand the meaning of Christmas and how Christ is the main focal point.

However, is no one talking about how Christmas joy is becoming insensate in some households?

I just want to take some time and discuss a few areas that have changed over the years.

It just seems like we just finished out Thanksgiving and boom Christmas showed up in a brand-new suit.

I just don’t understand how this is the 19th and my family alone just finished two Christmas get-togethers with food, gifts, and games.

I am in disbelief that I just literally wrapped gifts 3 hours prior to kids ripping them apart and it is over just like that.

 I am sitting here thinking to myself as I write this that something just doesn’t sit right with me about that.

Christmas is short-lived but becoming the most expensive season of the year.

Years are flying by, and kids are becoming less enthused over the gifts they receive.


I wonder if they have just about everything besides a house, or maybe a car. Some might have that car now.

Growing up we only got gifts on Christmas and on our Birthdays.

These kids now weasel themselves gifts throughout the year.

When Christmas comes, they got all the small gifts out of the way and look for things that cost us our yearly savings accounts.

How did we get to this point in our lives that we overdid ourselves in giving through the year?

Some people assume to not receive gifts because they wouldn’t have picked them out themselves.

 It is wasted money; it is wasted time and they would rather just get the money.

My son stated just last night that he does not spend his money and he likes to save it all.

Both kids asked for money this year. I forced them to tell me one gift to have under the tree.

Has it come to this now? Is this what the new generation comes to? Money is the gift that we all receive.

Back in the day, we used to get a catalog and we would circle all the items we wanted.

That way when it came around to Christmas our parents actually had a clue and could pick out items in their budget.

Kids now screenshot a few items and expect them under the tree. When they can’t find anything that their hearts desire currently, they then ask for money.

I want to go back to when Christmas morning was spectacular, and we couldn’t wait to see what the end of the year held under the Christmas tree.

I feel like I am losing my Christmas Spirit throughout the years.

My kids should be the reason I get overwhelmed throughout the year hiding presents and seeing their faces when they open them.

Isn’t that what makes the giving worth it for adults? All that time wrapping and hiding it to keep them from finding the gifts.

Sometimes we leave amazon packages laying around to spark some curiosity.

Hiding the perfect gift right under their noses and we laugh just knowing it.

As an adult, we miss them kids searching the house and trying to find their gifts and them waiting to see how many gifts they have currently under the tree.

I remember a time I would pick at the tape to get a glimpse of what it could be.

Kids now already know because of the limited choices they give us.

Heck, we even take them to the Retail stores have them pick out items and we purchase them right in front of them.

We then tell them they can’t have it until Christmas.

Teenagers seem to not care anymore. My kids know where I keep all my gifts and they do not even bother by sneaking a peak in my office closet.

I have in the past told my kids that I have a couple that they do not know about, and they do not seem amused.

Because they know they got what they really wanted anyway under the tree.

Even if we did try to go back and coordinate how things were done back in the day.

Kids are mean to one another, and they mistreat kids for what they have or received on Christmas.

They tend to get embarrassed or feel like their family is not that well off.

Only because they do not get what their friends receive.

They already know what other kids get by pictures on social media.

 Kids can’t hide from it, and they will be tautened by it when school resumes.

For example, air pods are not the same as ear pods.

Yes, my daughter informed me that she would be made fun of if she had ear pods instead of Air Pods.

There are families that can’t afford some name brands and kids become the talk of the day because of that reason.

It is not fair to the families or those kids. However, this did not recently develop in the last several years.

I remember a time I was in school, there were some mean people that made fun of me and other kids that did not have the most expensive clothes and such.

I still remember who they are to this day, and they will always be viewed as a certain memory.

 I have explained to my daughter that there will always be ugly people in the world, meaning their views, comments, actions, and behaviors.

That one day they will notice their own ugliness and make a change for the better.

Focusing on being a better person and loving the good is how we change perspectives.

Maybe I need to look at Christmas through different lenses.

I understand we need to adapt, I guess I will be working on new traditions that bring more excitement and joy to our family.

Does Christmas excite you? Have you noticed your Joy fluttering away?

Turning back the clocks is not an option however, what we have now we just need to make the best out of it.

What are some traditions, food, or maybe some things around the holidays that we should have carried over to our kids?

I do believe I am going to have my crew start circling in catalogs this next coming year.

2023 going to be different around the holidays.

I wonder what Christmas will be like in 25 years…



New Year New Me, Right?


Where is Your Focus?