New Year New Me, Right?

How many times have we decided that this is the year for bigger changes? New diet, new adventures, better behaviors, more stability, less stress, and the list goes on and on.

Have you noticed, at the end of the year we are depressed and wondered how did we get through an entire year without committing ourselves to the desires of the heart?

I know for myself I struggled with this concept. I was going to become a healthier me and be less stressed, stay organized, and spend more time with Jesus.

 Man, the possibilities were all there; the excitement always gave me hope when January 1st came around.

Why do I do this to myself? New Year New Me, Right? Nope… New Year Same Me! I get so aggravated that I want all this change to happen so quickly.

I want to lose this weight. I want to be happier and less stressed instead of being the mad hatter.

Life is hard, and we set many expectations for ourselves in the beginning. By setting ourselves up to fail right from the start.

Instead, I should say

* I am going to eat more fruit

* I am going to dance more

* I am going to eat less fast food

* I am going to walk more

* I am going to smile more

* I am going to talk to God more

* I will go hiking more with the family

* I will play more family games


Small steps are like small bites. Those small bites add to a full belly, right? Just like those small steps will get you to the top sooner than later.

Let us break down more of what we really want to do. This way we actually did most of them, and by the time December 31st comes to an end, we can mark most off the list that we accomplished.

This will be the easiest way to accomplish those tasks.

Depression is huge for people; some cannot cope with many letdowns. They go on believing that the next year will be the same, so, why try?

Let us take things at a slower pace. Live more freely, let 2023 take us in a different direction.

Our mindset can sometimes make us create this huge goal and when it did not get completed, we then want to get down on ourselves.

I am not saying you cannot have big goals, but make it look like a pyramid instead.

For instance, have all these small tasks at the bottom of the pyramid, then when all of those are completed, you have just about completed your big goal.

Isn’t it better to have the glass half full than half empty?
Having some of the big goals marked through is a better way of looking at it.

Changing our perspective on the matter is what we need to do. Do not look at the big goal the whole time, because that is too much on us, look at the small tasks to get the big goal marked with a gold star.

Gold Star it!

Adding a sticker to your completed tasks will help you feel somewhat accomplished. It is the small details that make us feel better.

What about getting into shape? Try challenging yourself by tossing something out or adding something new to your routine.

Doing this for 30 days creates a new habit. You have 12 months to create twelve new habits!
This is actually what I am doing with my footprints for 2023.

For instance, I will jump rope to shed a few extra pounds off this January. Even if this is for 10 minutes a day, it is better than nothing in my eyes.

That means doing it every day creates a habit for the next month. As I continue to do that habit, I will do another Habit for the Month of February. Yes, I will share that detail in another blog.

Taking each day to help us be better does not have to be hard. It is all found in the smallest details. Soon you will start to feel better and want to do more with your life.

Make 2023 the way you want to see it; do not let it make you.


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